Email Newsletter Subject line:

Finding More Customers ❤️

This blog post was sent out as an email to my entire email list to teach them about 7 proven strategies to get more traffic to their landing page and thus increase the changes of finding more customers. The email was sent on 27 January 2023.

(Important Note: This email is going to be extremely educational and I don't want you distracted by any links I may include - so all relevant links I mention in the email will be linked at the very end at the PS section as I want you to read the email in its entirety to get the value of what I'm about to share about finding more customers!)

Strangers to Customers

Few days ago I wrote an email to my entire list asking about their #1 challenge in business.

I received over 100 replies.

Every single person who took the time to reply to me, received a timely reply with my thoughts and insights with any helpful resources I had available.

No free coaching calls (don't have the capacity to do that as often as I used to...), but I did my best to provide practical and personalized advice on email.

The #1 challenge?


And so, in this email I am going to give you 7 PROVEN strategies that helped me in finding customers.

Before I do, I have to give the high level strategy and context.

Familiar with the term, "know, like and trust", right?

Well, I like to call this the "Stranger to Customer" process.

What is the exact process or system you have in place to help convert someone from the being a stranger to becoming a paying customer.

First they become aware you exist.

They hear about you again.

They hear your name from a friend or on social media.

They read some content you wrote.

Slowly but surely they get to know you more and more until they decide "I trust them and I like what they offer" and they become a paying customer.

This process can be very slow or very fast.

And it varies from person to person.

I have a training video series on the topic of "Strangers to Customers" in my Email Sequence in a day course.

The first training video is about Touchpoints.

Touchpoints have 5 key variables:

1) Frequency of touch points

2) Quantity of touch points

3) Quality of touch points

4) Cost of touch points

5) Type of touch point (manual or automated)

These factors are what determine the speed and profitability of your sales process, and thus your business.

Here is a slide explaining this concept a bit further.

The reason why this training series is part of my "Email Sequence in a Day" course is that the touchpoints become free of charge and very little effort once you have an email subscriber.

You can have 1 subscriber or 1 million.

Sending an email takes the same amount of effort and depending on what software you use... the cost is negligible.

If you haven't started building an email list, that is your FIRST STEP.

That's why I created the LANDING PAGE CHALLENGE.

Now, you might already have a landing page.

That alone won't build your list, audience or customer base.

You need to promote that landing page and get traffic there.

(Traffic meaning people, potential customers who might be interested in what you have to say and sell).

That's what we are going to cover next.

Here are 7 proven strategies to get more visitors to your landing page, websites, and thus potentially get more customers.

(1) Email Signature.

One of the most common things you and I do is answer emails.

Emails to friends, family, past customers, colleagues, etc.

Your email signature should contain a link to your landing page, website, social media etc.

You can simply google "Free Email Signature" and find dozens of tools online.

Most of them have some sort of branding for the company that offers the free signature.

I prefer an email signature that has no branding, so I paid for mine (one-time $19 purchase for a tool called "Email Badge", from AppSumo).

If you reply to this email right now, I'll reply back and you'll see the email signature.

(2) Exit Popup.

If you have any website pages, blogs, landing pages already online and do not have an exit popup set up you are missing out on leads every single day.

I get new email subscribers daily because of this one strategy.

I have blogs on course creation, membership site creation, email marketing resources, and more.

I have an about me page, various lead magnet pages, sales pages, and more.

Most of these have an exit popup.

This simply means when someone finally visits my site for whatever reason, before they leave, I have a box that comes up and says "don't leave empty-handed!" and then I offer them some sort of free gift.

I then have an automated email sequence that gets triggered and they receive an email daily for a few days to bring them up to speed about who I am, what I do and how I serve people.

And they become general newsletter subscribers.

(3) Live Videos (Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, etc)

If you are not putting yourself out there, you are going to struggle.

Doing live videos is one of the best ways to do it.

Challenge yourself to do 1 Facebook live every single day for the next 30 days, just talk about something relevant to your niche and make sure you invite people to check out your free gift / webinar / PDF on your landing page.

Or share them to a blog post you wrote (which has an exit popup).

If you're doing B2B, LinkedIn is probably the best place.

For most people I'd say Facebook is a great place to start.

Just use your personal profile.

People already know you there and it's a good place to gain experience, step out of your comfort zone, and learn how to do videos that are engaging.

People buy from people.

The more you are seen, the bigger the chance people will want to connect with you further.

Maybe they'll download your free gift, or send you a PM on messenger, or just straight buy what you're selling after seeing you consistently.

In 2022, I did 61 YouTube lives - that's more than one a week.

Not sure what to do about?

Stay tuned for a bonus hack coming soon...

(4) Facebook Groups, other people's

This is the #1 source of traffic, leads and sales for me when I first got started - no question.

I am going to summarize the process of doing this the right way, step by step, but be mindful of the fact that I have an entire course (Facebook Organic Mini Course) dedicated to this strategy that goes into greater detail about how it works.

Here are the steps:

  • Find other people's Facebook groups where your ideal customer might be a part of and join these.
  • Optimize your Facebook profile banner for that specific group so it's more targetted to the people who are in that group.
  • Go through the posts/threads in that group and find questions and posts that you genuinely can add value.
  • When you answer questions and posts, make your comments stand out but making your answers long and detailed, spacing out the answer by sentence (not paragraphs), and wrapping up the comment with a question to encourage continued engagement. Something like "is this helpful?" is a great way to end a helpful comment. Your goal is to position yourself as an expert on this topic and essentially hijack the feed by getting as many eyeballs and attention on your super helpful comment.
  • Do NOT tell people to DM you
  • Do NOT tell what you're selling
  • Do NOT share links (violates group rules of most high value groups)

Do this work with an unconditional desire to help.

Unconditional meaning you detach yourself from the sale or even the possibility of getting anything out of your time and energy investment.

Just add value because you want to add value and be genuine about it.

When you really NEED a sale, it's hard to do. I get it.

But trust me when I tell you - people smell desperation miles away and that will hurt your chances of getting sales.

So detach yourself from the outcome and just help for the sake of helping.

It works.

Do these steps over and over and you'll find a few select groups that are truly awesome and than you continue to focus on those.

When you do this the right way, people will come to YOU.

They will be sending you friend requests, DMing you, checking out your Facebook profile and going to your landing page which they'll either download your free gift or give you their email when they try to exit because you set up an exit popup.

Once they express interest in some way, bring them over to messenger and have a conversation.

Most of your sales are probably going to happen on messenger.

Messenger selling is a skill in its own right.


Bonus Hack

Are you ready for the bonus hack?

All these posts and your super helpful comments... that's a lot of energy and effort - and market research!

Open up a Google Doc and save these in an organized fashion so all this awesome content can be repurposed and used in other ways.

Those Facebook lives you're supposed to be doing?

Or emails you are supposed to be sending?

Every question and your answer can be a topic for a Facebook live.

You can use the content for Instagram content, captions and stories.

Use this content for your email sequence/s or email newsletters.

Turn each into a blog post (which has an exit popup).

This is called content repurposing.

Get more done with less effort, better systems and processes.

(5) Messenger.

I have been asked dozens of times by people, "what CRM (Customer Relationship Management System) do you use for managing and tracking your leads?"

The answer to this question when I first got started, and has been for years, is messenger!

If you go through your messenger chats, you'll probably find dozens if not 100s (or 1000s!) of conversations with people who may have expressed some interest in what you offer.

Or they know of someone who does...

And so, go through the chats, and one by one, get back in touch with them.

Again, don't go to the chat with expectations of selling them.

Just get in touch with them again and revive the relationship.

"Hey [first name]! Long time no speak... how's things going with XYZ? Love to catch up and hear what you're up to."

You can spend an hour or two sending 100+ messages like this.

You'll end up with a few meaningful conversations.

Express interest in what they are up to, and when they are what you are up to, tell them.

"I'm working on XYZ business, going okay, always challenging but looking to grow and find more people to serve. Do you happen to know anyone who has XYZ problem or need XYZ solution?"

Maybe they do, maybe they don't.

Either way, you've reconnected and if you just have a casual conversation, something good is going to come out of it.

Do this enough, consistently, it's practically impossible to not find potential customers.

Oh and use text automations for that initial messages to make this really efficient and save you a ton of time.

My text automation is "How are you doing? Thought I'll check in :-)"

This always gets a conversation started.

(6) YouTube.

While I love YouTube, that's a much slower process and strategy to implement.

But long term, it's a great platform to build an audience and your digital assets that help make that "Strangers to Customers" process so much more efficient and automated.

My complete YouTube content and monetization strategy was emailed a week or so ago to my list.

I've documented what I wrote in a blog post, you're welcome to refer back to it and read about it.

(7) Your email list

If you already have an email list, are you emailing them?

This is by far the closest thing to "printing money".

When I send an email out to my list, it is rare that I don't make money from it in some way.

At the worst case scenario, it helps bring someone closer to becoming a paying customer because it is another valuable touch point.

Not sure what to write?

I just solved it for you with the bonus hack I mentioned above.

Other ideas

I can do a much bigger list of all the things I do to generate traffic and create various systems to streamline the "strangers to customers" process.

I barely mentioned Instagram for example.

No mention of TikTok, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Quora, affiliate partnerships, Podcast (yours and others), and more.

There are lots of ways to generate traffic.

But the 7 I listed, are PROVEN strategies I have personally done and continue to do.

I am currently testing 2 strategies, which I don't have results to share yet.

When I do, I'll share these too.

DCT Templates & Coaching Membership

This email is just a small snippet of what you can expect in the Templates & Coaching Membership which I am launching on the 15th of February.

The cart to join this membership will be open for 7 days.

15th to 22nd of February.

The price?

$77/year (or $49/bi-annualy)

And yes, you will be locked at that price for life as a founding member.

Every month, you will receive some digital resource that is going to help you with your business.

Examples of what you can expect:

  • Canva templates relating to promoting your business on social media (remember that Facebook banner you're supposed to do? That's an example. Or what about that lead magnet you're supposed to create? That's another example of a Canva template.
  • Systeme Website Templates (and maybe Zenler and Kajabi and others as this membership grows, so I can accommodate for more people joining, but it will start with Systeme as a primary focus). Remember that landing page you are supposed to get set up to build a list? That's an example of a template you'll receive.
  • Project Management Templates. Remember that content repurposing hack I shared with you? That super-organized Google Doc? What about the workflow for organizing for yourself, and even including virtual assistants who can manage it for you? That's an example.
  • Email Templates. Just starting out and need an email sequence? Or maybe doing a quick launch to sell a product on Black Friday? Or maybe you want to get more sales calls booked? These are just some examples.

My goal is to also host an office hours call once per month to answer your questions and give personalized advice.

This will be streamed on YouTube, but it's YOUR questions that will be answered.

You'll be able to join at the price point of $77/year.

But only if you sign up during that week.

So mark your calendars now - 15th of February.

That's about it for today.

Hope you found this email valuable and helpful in your "finding more customers" efforts.

Please reply and let me know your thoughts...

Eran Bucai

Hey, I'm Eran

I'm the CEO & Founder of Dot Com Truths and every blog you see was written by me personally.

No ghost writers, no AI tools, just me and my personal experience.

If you enjoy these, please be so kind to share these with someone you know who might benefit.

You are always welcome to join the affiliate program and help spread the word.


Follow and connect with Eran Bucai on his social channels by clicking the icons below.